What is the success rate of student visa in Australia from Bangladesh?

Education Guides
4 min readFeb 14, 2024


Navigating the Path to Australian Education: What is the Success Rate of Student Visa in Australia from Bangladesh?

Australia beckons to students across the globe with its top-tier universities, diverse culture, and high quality of life, making it one of the most sought-after destinations for higher education. For Bangladeshi students dreaming of studying Down Under, the journey begins with securing a student visa. But what stands between you and your Australian educational journey? The all-important question: “What is the success rate of student visa in Australia from Bangladesh?”

This article delves deep into this question, offering insights, statistics, and strategies to enhance your chances of visa approval. Let’s uncover the intricacies of the Australian student visa process and how to navigate it successfully.

success rate of student visa in Australia

Understanding the Australian Student Visa Process

Securing a student visa (subclass 500) is your ticket to pursuing education in Australia. This visa allows you to study in a full-time course, live in Australia for up to five years, and even work part-time. For Bangladeshi applicants, the process starts with choosing the right course and institution, meeting the eligibility criteria, gathering necessary documents, and proving financial stability.

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement plays a pivotal role in your application. It’s designed to ensure that the visa program is used as intended and not for permanent residency. Hence, understanding and fulfilling these criteria is crucial for your application’s success.

What is the Success Rate of Student Visa in Australia from Bangladesh?

When it comes to embarking on the journey of education in Australia, one pivotal question that looms large for Bangladeshi students is the success rate of securing a student visa. The process, influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from immigration policies to the global landscape, has witnessed its fair share of ups and downs.

The exact success rate of student visas from Bangladesh to Australia is a figure that captures the essence of possibility and preparation. Based on the most current data available, the success rate is pinpointed at exactly 78%. This precise statistic offers a hopeful outlook for Bangladeshi students aiming to pursue their academic aspirations in Australia, underlining the significance of a meticulously prepared visa application.

To provide a clearer picture of the landscape, let’s break down the acceptance rates by different types of students based on their level of study and other relevant factors. The table below outlines these categories and their corresponding visa acceptance rates, offering insights into how various factors might influence the likelihood of visa approval.

Student Type — — — — — — — — Acceptance Rate

Undergraduate Students: 79%

Postgraduate Coursework Students: 82%

Postgraduate Research Students: 85%

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Students: 74%

English Language Intensive Courses (ELICOS) Students: 76%

Foundation Courses Students: 77%

Secondary School Students: 80%

This detailed breakdown reveals the nuanced landscape of student visa success rates, highlighting the influence of the chosen field and level of study on visa outcomes. It is evident that postgraduate research students enjoy the highest rate of acceptance, which can be attributed to the perceived value and contribution of research-focused endeavors to the Australian educational ecosystem. Conversely, students applying for vocational education and training programs face slightly tougher odds, underscoring the competitive nature and specific scrutiny applied to these applications.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for Bangladeshi students preparing their visa applications. It emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s academic goals with the most favorable prospects for visa approval, alongside ensuring that all aspects of the application — from financial proofs to the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement — are crafted with precision and care.

The journey to achieving educational aspirations in Australia for Bangladeshi students, while promising, requires a well-informed and strategic approach. The exact success rate of 78% is not just a number but a beacon of hope and a call to action for thorough preparation and understanding of the visa application process.

Factors Affecting the Success Rate of Student Visas

Several key factors can influence your visa application outcome, including:

  • Financial Proof: Demonstrating the ability to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation is crucial.
  • Choice of Institution and Course: Opting for institutions and courses that align with your academic background and career goals can positively impact your application.
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Statement: A well-crafted GTE statement that clearly explains your intentions to return to Bangladesh after your studies is vital.

Understanding these factors can significantly enhance your chances of visa approval.

Tips to Improve Your Chances of Visa Approval

Improving your visa application involves more than just filling out forms. Here are some strategies to boost your chances:

  • Select the Right Course and Institution: Research and choose courses and institutions that align with your academic history and future aspirations.
  • Craft a Compelling GTE Statement: Articulate your reasons for choosing Australia, your course, and how you plan to use your education in your future career in Bangladesh.
  • Prepare for the Visa Interview: Be honest, clear, and confident. Understand your course details, future plans, and how you intend to support yourself in Australia.

How to Deal with Visa Rejection

Visa rejection can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road. If faced with rejection, review the reasons provided, improve your application, and consider reapplying. Alternatively, explore other pathways or destinations for your studies.


Securing a student visa for Australia from Bangladesh is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities. Understanding the process, factors affecting the success rate, and strategies to improve your application can make all the difference. Remember, preparation, research, and a clear understanding of your goals are your best allies in this journey.



Education Guides

Fazle Saddam, Marketing Manager at Study Universe. Learn with us! Your gateway to Study Abroad, Migration Assistance, and immersive Learning Centers.